Indian Food Culture 

                India is stand as one of the most diverse country in the world because of 100 plus languages over 700 plus tribes and  every major religion some cities are largest populated in the  world and same time few are isolated as almost no societies in india over the century there have been a significant fusion of  cultures between religions like buddhists hindus muslim jain 6 and various tribal populations india also known for birthplace of many religion like hinduism buddhism sikhism and other religions india is socially culturally and linguistically remarkably diverse other than hindi and english there are 22 plus schedule languages recognized by the indian constitution however there are another 400 known and unknown languages spoken in india Indian Food Culture 

                  India is socially culturally and linguistically diverse indian foods and naticks which is perfect mix of ancient values and western culture india was part of british kingdom for many years and as a result our population was strongly influenced by the british style of etiquettes and habits but same time we kept our roots alive

which created incredibly unique combination of asian and western culture we will learn more about indian habits and trends on food and related etiquettes most of the indian values culture and foods are based on our religious

                  Indian foods habits and etiquettes dining etiquette in our country varies from place to place different income levels religion to religion and cost to cause this is different from other countries even within india these eating habits vary from state to state traditionally indian wash their hands thoroughly prior to dining then eat with fingers of right hand with the use of minimum cutlery in north india it is a bad manner to use more than first finger and thumb Indian Food Culture .

As they eat mostly chapatis and dry curries while the same time south indians use more rice and wet curries and it creates scope of using whole hands in both cases they tried not to use their left hands as per indian etiquette this is usually considered unclean and offensive too the left hand is kept clean and sometimes used for things like holding a glass or plates if you are eating in a standing position indian believe that eating with your hands give you the feel of food and eating with spoon or fork adds a metallic taste to the food so if you are attending any ceremony or occasion wash your hands before eating or serving food besides. Indian Food Culture 

 If can use your right hand when giving or accepting any object and to use both hand is even more respectful while passing objects eating with your hands has many benefits

fingers been hit revocates they prevent your mouth from burning when the hot food is put inside other than that you tend to eat slower when you die with your hands.

one must thoroughly wash hand with soap and water before eating this practice make the eating process very hygienic indian treat their guests with at utmost respect and hospitality attitude is a motto that almost all indian follows with utmost dedication and compassion. Hospitality is valued by all religion whether hindu muslims or Sikhs hindus are taught to treat a guest as a god providing hospitality is an important responsibility for every muslim even the poorest of the poor treat their guests to all kind of luxuries serving longer to large. Indian Food Culture 

crowds on daily basis is very common practice in sikhism at gurudwaras sweets flower or fruits are common as gift while visiting any ceremony or parties people usually don't open their gifts in the presence of gift givers gift of money with odd number are thought to be auspicious indian typically have a relaxed approach towards time keeping and punctuality.

 If you invite someone indian origin friend do not be surprised if they are late and bring along some friends in traditional indian homes.

               People mostly sit on low seats or on the floor man may sit with black cross in indian style or fold it to one side women sit with lag off to one side while having their foods many indians don't eat on plates especially in southern part of country they like to eat on a banana leaves. Indian Food Culture.

Disposable leaves bowls and red clay cups are very common in villages of india

at some homes a guest is served while everyone sit around often the men eat first while the women serve them same time in muslim they often eat communally from the same bowl or same big plate a typical meal in india may include a variety of dishes different dishes such as meat lentils rice vegetable and breads are placed in different size of balls and thallies.

After the meal is over guests are given a towel and expected to wash hands at sink

after meal. many indians have pan rather than sweets or desserts in some places rock sugar or roasted sugar flavored fennel seeds are offered as a breath freshener our host served their guests a cup of tea or coffee if an indian use cutlery they use in british style spoon in their right hand and fork in their left hand and push food with the fork on the spoon and eat with Indian Food Culture.

their right hand using the spoon same time in india many restaurant do not have any utensils at all to offer to their customers and after meal restaurant offered water pictures or finger ball at their table to clean their guest hands in most of the ruler area in india even in present days.

              Water cooled in natural ways  in clay pots and guests are offered a glass of water when they arrive most of indian in present day also tilt their head back and pour water in their mouths with their lips not touching the glasses while in many of urban places in india sometimes alcohol is also offered to guests before the meal or if not alcohol then in alternate they Indian Food Culture.

May offer soft drink tea or coffee throughout the nation our meal consists mostly of rice wheat and roasted Bengal gram or some other pulses you find the maximum vegetarian food in gujarat rajasthan and the southern part of the country while you will find. mostly non-vegetarian dishes from the central part of geography bengal and in all part of northern india it is also interesting to know that the cooking style of central asia persia and afghanistan has strongly influenced the specific cuisines of Kashmir every caste tribe town Indian Food Culture.

                Village and religions have a panoply of traditional ceremonies that are observed with the intuism and white participations here are some important points to be taken care of while having food at home or at any celebration fire is sacred so generally guests are not invited.

                  Into any kitchen and should never throw anything into the fire don't spit a stubbing cigarette anywhere find the nearest bathroom to spit on an ashtray to stab the cigarette more unpleasant habits like bleaching loudly gargling after meal and making odd noise while eating need to be avoided indians typically offer lots of food but it is also considered rude to leave food on your plate do not smoke in front of any person who belongs to the sixth community served in a hierarchical order guest of honor men and then kids are women do not make much noise or do not talk with food in your mouth up in between as to be excused.Indian Food Culture.

                        Cuisine and food in india are not only integral to the culture of india but they also been significant contributor to india how to clear the dishes unless it is not acceptable in that customs cuisines and food in india are not only integral to the culture of india but they have also been significant contributor to india's popularity worldwide while the cooking style vary from region to region indian food has universal appeal for its ex intensive use of spice and health like indian dance religion practice language and clothes you will also find a great diversity of food throughout the country even region of our country is famous for a particular dish and ingredients once again on behalf of history.