The scientific consensus on a healthy diet about a decade heart association expressed concern that cardiovascular health by  would not be reached if current trends continue by 2006 most people were already not  smoking and had nearly achieved their  goal of exercise but when it came to healthy diet score only about one percent got a four or five out of their zero to five diet quality score and that's with the so-called ideal criteria of like

of soda a week  like one percent of  reaching those kinds of basic criteria but given their aggressive goal of to turn that one per cent into about two percent okay so how'd we do let's look at the update and it looks like we've

wonder perhaps that for all mortality-based metrics  declined  industrialized countries  citizens living in countries with a substantially lower gdp and health expenditures per capita have lower mortality rates than those in the united states slovenia beat us by three countries coming life expectancy to our  and more recently we seem to have slipped we spend  trillions on healthcare more than anyone What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

else  what's the leading risk factor for death for literally those trillions in health care spending aren't addressing the root cause look at some of these beautiful lung cancer death curves it took decades nice to finally see those drops when are we going to see the same with diet approximately 80 of chronic disease and premature death could be prevented by not smoking being physically active and adhering to a healthful dietary pattern

 but what exactly is meant by healthy diet unfortunately what we hear about nutrition in the media is often inconsistent and confusing there's a pressure within today's competitive journalism market for sensationalism there may even be a disincentive to present the facts in context to sell more magazines

before the lure of  in fact about three quarters of a century ago it was noted that unfortunately the subject of nutrition seems to have a special appeal to the credulous the social zealot and in the commercial field the unscrupulous a What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

combination calculated to strike despair in the hearts of the sober objective scientists the most important healthcare problem we face may be our poor lifestyle choices based on misinformation it's like the climate change deniers

healthy dietary advice is overshadowed by critics diet books industry interests and misguided information in the media maybe what we need is an intergovernmental panel on climate change on nutrition these days no single expert regardless of academic stature or reputation has the prominence to overcome the obstacles created by confusing media messages and What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

effectively deliver the fundamental principles of healthy living to the public however what if there was a global coalition consisting of a variety of nutrition experts who collectively represent the views held by the majority

of scientists physicians and health practitioners it could serve as the guiding resourceof sound nutrition information for improved health and prevention of disease boom the true health initiative was conceived for that very purpose a non-profit coalition of hundreds of experts from dozens of countries

agreeing to a consensus statement on the fundamentals of healthy living spoiler alert the healthiest diet is one generally comprised mostly of minimally processed plants the best diet for weight loss and disease prevention why are vegetarian diets so effective in preventing and treating diabetes What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

maybe it's because of the weight loss those eating more plant-based tend to be significantly slimmer and not just based on like looking at a cross-section of  the population but you can do interventional trials and put it to the test a randomized controlled community-based trial of a whole food

plant-based diet the key difference between plant-based nutrition and other approaches to weight loss is that participants were informed  to eat the whole food plant-based diet ad libertum meaning eats as much as you want no calorie counting no portion

control just eat it's about improving the quality of food rather than restricting the quantity of food just focus on diet rather than increasing exercise just because they wanted to isolate the effects of eating healthier so what happened no restrictions on What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

portions eat all the healthy foods you want here's where they started out on average obese at nearly 210 pounds the average height was about five feet five inches 3  months in they were down about 18 pounds six months in more like 26 pounds What is a healthy diet and lifestyle

 down but you know how these weight loss trials go i mean this wasn't an institutional study where they locked peoples up fed no meals were provided they just informed people about the benefits of plant-based eating and encouraged them to do it in their own lives their own families and their own homes and communities so typically what you see in these so-called free-living studies is 6 month loss of weight but then by a year the weight creeps back or even worse were able to study but in this maintain that weight loss all year and of course their cholesterol got best too but their claim to fame is that they achieved greater weight loss at  one year that does not limit calorie intake or mandate regular exercise that's worth repeating a whole food plant-based diet achieved the greatest loss of weight ever recorded at one year

compared to any other such intervention published in the medical literature now obviously with very low calorie starvation diets you can drop people down to any weight however these medically supervised liquid diets are obviously just short-term fixes associated with high costs high attrition rates and a high probability of regaining most of the weight whereas the whole point of whole food plant-based nutrition is to

maximize long-term health and longevity I mean even if for example low-carb diets were as effective the point of a loss of weight skinnier casket studies on the effects of low carbohydrate diets have shown higher rates of all-cause mortality meaning a shorter lifespan decreased artery function worsening of coronary artery disease and increased rates of constipation headaches bad breath muscle cramps general weakness and rash and  still now  not as effective as the actually diet that all the good

effects like decreasing the risk of diabetes beyond just the weight loss Two types of lower risk diabetes  among vegetarians may be explained in part by improved weight status however the lower risk also may be explained by higher amounts of ingested dietary fiber and plant protein the absence of meat and egg derived protein and home iron and a lower intake of saturated fat most studies report the lowest risk of type 2 diabetes among those who adhere to strictly plant-based diets vegans in contrast to vegetarians do not eating eggs to  appear to be linked higher diabetes risk maybe it's eating lower on the food you avoid the highest levels of persistent organic pollutants like

dioxins pcbs and ddt in animal products which have been implicated as a diabetes risk factor may be it has to do with the gut micro biome with all that fiber no surprise that there'd be fewer disease causing bugs and more protective gut flora which can lead to less inflammation throughout the body which may be the key feature linking the healthier gut with beneficial health effects including the metabolic dysfunction you can see in type 2 diabetes and it's that multiplicity of benefits that can help with compliance and family buy-in whereas a household that includes people to enthusiastically follow a diabetic diet a healthy diet is not disease specific and can improve other chronic conditions too so while the diabetic patient will likely see improvement in their blood sugar control a spouse suffering from constipation or high blood pressure may also see improvements as may overweight children if you make healthy eating a family affair.