(Food is a medicine - Medicine is the food )

Patients with diabetes should consult a doctor before taking this medication, as well as the exact dosage and duration.

Diabetes (Food is a medicine - Medicine is the food )

Diabetes is not really a personal disease. The pancreas secretes insulin naturally to control the level of glucose in the body.
Excess of nectar is poisonous, and the old adage that over-indulgence involves physical contact, as well as diet.
It has been mentioned that when diabetes appears. Taking medicines like Madhumekathi Surnam, Vasantha Kusumakara Rasam, Aswa Kanda Surnam (Amukkara Surnam) with proper medical advice can control the disease.
There is medicine in the home pantry to cure diabetes.
You may have diabetes if you have symptoms such as frequent urination, constant hunger, excessive drinking of water, constant tiredness, sore throat, genital infection, weight loss for no reason, diabetes in someone else in the blood, being overweight, numbness in the legs, and blurred vision. So consult a qualified doctor Do you have diabetes? Check that
If diabetes is not noticed early on the condition can get worse. Uncontrolled diabetes can affect many vital organs and functions. In particular, it can lead to vision loss or blurred vision. Kidneys
Damage can occur. Infection can occur frequently. A sore called conjunctivitis can cause problems with the feet. Disability during sexual intercourse. May increase the risk of brain damage and heart attack. If diabetes is controlled early, many problems can be prevented and you can live a normal life.
Fennel has the ability to control diabetes mainly. Diabetes can be completely controlled by frying dill regularly and eating it regularly. Next is the cantaloupe. People who can dry and powder cantaloupe and eat it regularly both in the morning and at night will definitely get rid of diabetes completely.
Banana flower
If a diabetic person eats a banana infusion, it will definitely control diabetes. But today we eat lentils with banana and peanuts. With the same banana flower, grind all the dried chillies together and make a bath sample and eat it regularly to control diabetes.
Avarambu, Sukku and cardamom can be boiled and eaten as a decoction to completely control diabetes. This is a very simple method. It has the same taste as tea. Try Avarambu tea for good results. We eat a lot of pinch vegetables in our diet such as drumstick pinch, birch pinch, spinach pinch, beans, and all these.
Known as a very powerful home remedy against diabetes, the novel fruit is the only fruit effective for diabetes
Known as a very powerful home remedy against diabetes, the novel fruit is the only fruit effective for diabetes
Gooseberry Juice
Gooseberry is traditionally used to control diabetes. Drinking gooseberry juice daily can help control diabetes. It contains minerals.
Chickpeas, also known as chickpeas, help lower glucose levels in a diabetic. Studies have shown that soaking chickpeas in water overnight and drinking it the next day can help increase glucose utilization in diabetics. Homemade dishes, in the pantry
Ayurvedic medicine treats all diseases in the body. Diabetes can be controlled by knowing the root cause of the disease rather than treating it and trying to fix it. Can be prevented from becoming serious. Prevents physical side effects caused by diabetes.
            Ayurveda calls diabetes mellitus. According to Ayurveda, it stops the production of insulin by creating blockages in the pancreas, bile, spleen and esophagus. This is known as insulin resistance.
            Increases the level of sugar in the blood or urine. Common symptoms of diabetes can include thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, or feeling tired, unexpected weight loss, dry or itchy skin, numbness and tingling and blurred vision.
Mix turmeric with warm water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning for best results.
Drinking cantaloupe juice is also very effective. Bitter gourd is known for lowering blood sugar levels naturally.
Pour a cup of water in a copper pot at night and drink this water in the morning.
A mixture of curry leaves and turmeric is considered to be the best remedy against diabetes.
Take a handful of drumstick leaves and beat in a mixer to extract the juice. Drink this juice every morning.
Ingredients in Triphala extract can prevent serious diseases and disorders in advance.
Mix 50 gm Triphala + 50 gm turmeric and take twice daily. Take half a teaspoon before lunch. You can mix half a teaspoon of warm water and drink it before dinner.
Sprinkle with cinnamon. It's another natural ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine that controls diabetes.
Novel fruit contains more than 80% water. And it does not contain sucrose. Novel fruit can be taken daily in moderation.
Powder its seeds and mix 1 teaspoon of powder with warm lukewarm water and drink twice daily.
Take 2 teaspoons of dill and soak in 1 tsp of water. In the morning mash those seeds and strain the mixture and drink it on an empty stomach.
You can chew 2 cloves of garlic in the early morning. This will also help control diabetes
Mistletoe, basil, and kutuchi are other common herbs that can be used to treat diabetes. It helps to improve the administration of insulin in the body.
One day take two times before lunch and dinner. It is very effective in controlling blood sugar levels.